Students share their fall fashion inspiration

Napsal (») 1. 11. 2022, přečteno: 96×

Now that an increased number of students are back on campus, it is fun to see what students are wearing. From style, to weather, to comfortability, these students had a lot to say about their thought processes into what goes into an outfit.

The Poly Post interviewed students around campus about their outfits and what they believe completes an outfit, where they find fashion inspiration and what they believe the most important part of an outfit

“This is my dad’s Pink Floyd shirt, and I’ve had it for a long time, and obviously you can see it’s got its use out of it. My pants are RVCA.I take a little bit of (inspiration) from a lot of people, I don’t really have just one.”

“So, most of my outfit is kind of thrifted or got at outlets, except for this BB Belt, money not well spent, but I don’t regret it. I think my biggest fashion inspiration is from Tyler the Creator to Evan Mock.”

“I would describe my style as minimalist, sometimes academic, dark colors and gothic, it depends.”

“I wear a lot of jorts, I like oversized hoodies and T-shirts. I go for dark colors, something a little bit edgy, Y2K or ‘90s.”

“I usually just think about what color combos would look nice together and then accessorize.”

“I shop at thrift stores, but I go to the mall, and I can’t justify those prices for clothes that all look the same. The most important part of an outfit is finding some kind of piece to incorporate that makes you feel confident.”

“(My style) definitely changes every day. It goes off what I feel will bring me joy that day. I mostly thrift my clothes, I like going to the Goodwill outlets because I love a good deal and I’m trying to shop slower fashion brands that are more sustainable.”

“I go with something that matches, I usually like earthy colors, so I tend to go with green or blue. I want to go with bold colors, I like mixing my style as well, vintage or skater style.”Read more at:off the shoulder prom dress uk | mermaid prom dresses

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